The story is set in a fantasy world filled with humans, magic, monsters and monster girls. You take control of Pugna, a monster girl who just wants to live a quiet life in the forest. An unexpected turn of events forces her to go out of her house and search for new adventures.
Updated: 2021-02-25
Release Date: 2020-07-26
Developer: SaraKatka Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Ch. 1.7
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English
Ch. 1.7
Another small update:
1) New engine
2) Fixed the main story and some quests
3) New Pugna design
4) Classic turn-based battle system
5) New suits with unique abilities for them.
Some features/plugins and 1-2 sound effects are missing at the moment. New scenes, characters, storyline and more are ahead. I have all the assets ready, so the next update will not be long in coming.
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